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Showing posts from September, 2020

Why Farmers Are Protesting? What Is Details Of Agriculture Bill Ordinance 2020? Why Bharat Band?

Jai Jawan Jai Kisan Big Popular Sologan You must have heard! But how much do we appreciate our soldiers and farmers in actuality? Can you guess from this, how many of you know what is agricultural bill? I know for sure that more than half of you will not know what we are going to talk about today and what is this bill but it is not your fault. Our media houses are giving you some different information.  What exactly is the matter? Friends, the government recently brought three ordinances regarding agriculture. The farmer of the country is very angry about this. The farmers of Haryana and Punjab are angry about this. Why have they come out on the streets and why is they protesting against this bill? And what a difference it makes for the common man, we will know all the things in this blog today. The Bharatiya Kisan Union and some other organizations sought the farmers' permission from the Haryana government to take out a Protest rally but the BJP Late Harya...

Priyanka Chopra : English Motivational Speech Full Power Of Women

 Good afternoon, and thank you and, wow. I am so privileged and so honored to be sharing this afternoon with all of you and these incredibly amazing women that are being honored today. I'd like to extend my congratulations to each one of you, Octavia, Michelle, Kelly, Patty, and all fifty women that have been included in the impact report. Your achievements not just inspire me but also so many others to work harder to be better and to make a dent wherever we can. So, I'm very, very proud to be standing alongside you. So, in life you know there are moments when you stop and ask yourself: “How did I get here?” Like: “Why am I standing here?” Well, this is definitely one of those moments for me and I find myself going back to the beginning, back to my roots. I was born to incredible parents, amazingly rents who served as doctors in the Indian Army. I was the first born and as far back as Ican remember I made my parents very proud and happy 99% of the time. Okay, slight exaggeratio...

The Singer Shakira : English Motivational Speech Education Change The world

 Good morning Your Highness, excellences, friends,and colleagues. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to be here today. It's also an honor to join forces with Educated child, an organization led by a woman who is an amazing role model — a woman who has shown such relentless dedication to getting every child in school. This is such an exciting day for us because it marks the beginning of a new era in my home country Colombia. Most of you may know me as an artist, as an entertainer, and that's indeed my calling and what I've been doing since I was 13 yearsold, but I never would have imagined when I started out that my work as an artist wouldend up being the vehicle for me to serve my greater purpose in life of working towards eradicating poverty through the power of Education. As a Colombian citizen inequality as a conceptthat sadly one becomes very familiar with at a very young age. It's a country like many others in Latin America where a few have a lot; a lot ...

BOB Proctor : The Billions Dollar Practice English Motivational Speech

  Let's suppose that X represents where youare. That represents you where you are in your life right. Now, you have the ability to take a very honest look at your life and see how you've got there. Everything that's happened is recorded in your mind, and you can look back, and you can see how one thing led to another, whichled to another, which led to another. You met this person, you met that person you,moved here, you live there, you went to work here, and you'll see in your mind how you got to where you are because you can look back at it. Now, when you go to look ahead, you say that'swhere I want to go. This is the dream that comes into your mind,and you quickly get rid of it because you don't know how to get there. When we think of something, when it comesto our mind, let's understand nothing is created or destroyed. We've tuned into something that already is! And rather than let it go, what we want tounderstand is that "there" is a place....

Jennifer Aniston : Find Your Voice English Speeches

 Thank you Awkwafina, for taking that beautiful bullet for all of us, and thank God I wrote my speech down. Hi! Ellen, we got to keep the best friend stuffgoing on the deal okay, because a lot of my best friends are here. Okay, I mean, you would think after 30 yearsof being in this industry, getting up here would be easy, and it's not. It's terrifying. It's not that often we're surrounded by people who found their voice and are using it, and using it to hold people up and bring people together and that to me is true power. I mean, it's funny because I've never, you know, I've never actually thought about myself as powerful. I mean, strong? Yes, but powerful, not mm-hmm. It's a distinction I've actually been thinking a lot about lately because the word power and its counterpart, abuse of power keep comingup in light of what is happening in our country and in our industry, a rebalancing of thescales, I guess you could say. I've been thinking about ...

The Queen Beyonce : Powerful Massage For Graduate Make Them See You

  Thank you, President Obama and Mrs. Obama for including me in this very special day and congratulations to the class of 2020. You have arrived here in the middle of a global crisis, a racial pandemic and worldwide expression of outrage at the senseless killing of yet another unarmed black human being. And you still made it. We’re so proud of you. Thank you for using your collective voice and letting the world know that black lives matter. The killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery,Breonna Taylor and so many others have left us all broken. It has left the entire country searching for answers. We’ve seen that our collective hearts whenput to positive action could start the wheels of change. Real change has started with you, this new-generation of high school and college graduates who we celebrate today. I did not get to experience college like someof you or the campus parties that left you struggling the next day in class. Although that could have been fun. But my parents did...

Ketty Perry English Emotional Speech People Can Change

   Thank you, guys. A little back story. Shannon Woodward, one of my best friends … Alot of my best friends are here tonight because I love them and I’m obsessed with them,and I’m loyal. They’ve taught me pretty much everything I know. Shannon, actually, I used to sleep on her couch. I was couch-surfing on her couch and I usedto eat her frozen chicken tenders from Trader Joe’s. They were so good. Here is the thing about that woman, we’ve kind of like raised each other. I’ll get into it in a second, but basicallyone time, I said, “I’m not a feminist because I don’t grow hair underneath myarms,” and stuff like that because I really didn’t understand what that meant. She lovingly pulled me aside as the strong woman she is and great friend, and those are great friends, and she goes, “Hey, thisis what the word 'feminist' means.” I was like, “What? This whole time? I’m a feminist.” I love her so very much and I love all my friends that teach me everything that I’ve learned today so ...

Salena Gomez : trust yourself English Motivational Journey Speech

  Hi, guys, how are you? So good to see you guys, so you guys havinga good night? I have to say that it’s such an honour tobe here, it is, I’m so happy to be here, I’m like a nerd and brought my own speech but I hope it’s OK that I take this opportunity to really just spend with you guys and tell you a little bit about my story. I’m not an activist, I haven’t changedthe world or led a campaign, I’m here to just tell you my path, so that you hopefully can take something away from it, because I don’t like being honest with — this isa truth — I don’t like being honest with press and interviews, I like being honestwith you, directly, which is each and every one of you. Because I feel like I can and I’m just going to start with the basics, so I’m 21 and my mom had, my mom had me when she was 16. And I’m from Grand Prairie, Texas, and she worked four jobs and completely dedicated her life into making mine better. So, to me, she is the definition of a strong woman. And I love her so ...

Ivanka Trump English Speeches : Think Big Again USA Election Help To Dolnad Trump.

 Good evening. Thank you. One year ago, I introduced my father when he declared his candidacy. In his own way, and through his own sheer force of will, he sacrificed greatly to enter the political arena as an outsider. And he prevailed against a field of 16 very talented competitors. For more than a year, Donald Trump has been the people’s champion, and tonight he’s the people’s nominee. Like many of my fellow millenials, I do not consider myself categorically Republican or Democrat. More than party affiliation, I vote on based on what I believe is right, for my family and for my country. Sometimes it’s a tough choice. That is not the case this time. As the proud daughter of your nominee, I am here to tell you that this is the moment and Donald Trump is the person to make America great again. Real change, the kind we have not seen indecades is only going to come from outside the system. And it’s only going to come from a man who’s spent his entire life doing what others said could ...

Trevor Noah : Best Information To Achieve Power Motivational his Daily Show Speech

 Good morning/afternoon everybody. Good to have you. This is weird 'cause I'm just gonna talk to your phones and we're right here. It's a strange experience. Welcome to the millennial age. You'll have the picture and you'll show it to your friend and they'll go what does he look like in person? You go, I don't know, I was also looking at my phone when I should have been there with him. First of all, thank you very much, Bill and Melinda for having me. When I was first asked to be here they said hey, we want you to come and speak at this event, Goal keepers, and talk about what'shappening in the world and I looked through all of the people speaking and I said butI have nothing. I do not have a fridge that can change lives,I do not have a plan to eradicate HIV in South Africa and in southern Africa and the restof the continent and I most definitely cannot ride a motorbike so I don't know what I cando for you. Bill just said come and share your thou...

Jennifer Lawrence Speeches On Anti Corruption Bill , Saving Democracy , Represent Us And Economy.

 We are witnessing a total political system failure in America. If you’re anything like me you may find yourself constantly overwhelmed by everything that’s wrong with politics. And when I say politics I’m not talking about Democrats or Republicans. I’m talking about the flaws that exist inour political system regardless of which party is in power. And I know, it’s hard to talk about politics these days, but look: The government is ours. We pay for it, so it needs to work for us. And right now it doesn’t. And I mean it really doesn’t. So, what’s going on here? Is it Russian meddling and social media? Is it him? Is it her? No. Those two were the least popular presidential candidates since they began keeping track of such things. Only 4% of Americans have a great deal of confidence in Congress now. Just 4%. America is no longer even considered a full democracy. We are witnessing total political system failure in America. Which is the complete opposite of what our nation's founders ha...

Ivanka Trump Addresses The Donald Trump Works And Speech What Do We Stand For? In USA Election.

 Before I begin, I want to send a message to  everyone who has been affected by Hurricane Laura: Our hearts are with you. The president will continue to support you every step of the way. And just as Americans always do, the nation will come together to help you rebuild your homes, businesses and communities -- stronger,and more resilient than ever before. Four years ago, I introduced you to a builder,an entrepreneur, an outsider and the people's nominee for president of the United States. Tonight, I stand before you as the proud daughter of the people's president. He is our commander-in-chief, champion of the American worker, defender of common sense and our voice for the forgotten men and women of this country. He is our president and my father, DonaldJ. Trump. This evening, I want to tell you about the leader I know, and the moments that I wish every American could see. I want to tell you the story of the president who is fighting for you from dawn to midnight, when the cam...

Chadwick Boseman Star Of 'The Black Panther' What You Fight For? Motivational Speech

 It is a great privilege, graduates to address you on your day, a day marking one of the most important accomplishments of your life to date. This is a magical place, a place where the dynamics of positive and negative seem to exist in extremes. I remember walking across this yard on what seemed to be a random day, my head down lost in my own world of issues like many of youdo daily. I'm almost at the center of the yard. I raised my head and Muhammad Ali was walking towards me. Time seemed to slow down as his eyes lockedon mine and opened wide. He raised his fist to a quintessential guard. I was game to play along with him, to actas if I was a worthy opponent. What an honor to be challenged by the goat,the greatest of all time for a brief moment. His face was as serious as if I was Frazierin the Thrilla in Manila. His movements were flashes of a path greater than I can imagine. His security let the joke play along for a second before they us hered him away, and I walked away floati...