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Ketty Perry English Emotional Speech People Can Change

   Thank you, guys. A little back story. Shannon Woodward, one of my best friends … Alot of my best friends are here tonight because I love them and I’m obsessed with them,and I’m loyal. They’ve taught me pretty much everything I know. Shannon, actually, I used to sleep on her couch. I was couch-surfing on her couch and I usedto eat her frozen chicken tenders from Trader Joe’s. They were so good. Here is the thing about that woman, we’ve kind of like raised each other. I’ll get into it in a second, but basicallyone time, I said, “I’m not a feminist because I don’t grow hair underneath myarms,” and stuff like that because I really didn’t understand what that meant. She lovingly pulled me aside as the strong woman she is and great friend, and those are great friends, and she goes, “Hey, thisis what the word 'feminist' means.” I was like, “What? This whole time? I’m a feminist.” I love her so very much and I love all my friends that teach me everything that I’ve learned today so t